
Oil and Gas Resources

Leveraging technology to increase performance and reduce risk of owned assets

Innovation in
Energy Investments

High Power Petroleum (H2P) is building an extensive portfolio of exploration and production oil & gas asset investments and increasing the value of those investments by leveraging imaging, optimization and big data technology.


H2P has a proven track record for production and operational excellence through leveraging technology to derisk the drilling and development of producing and exploration resources.

We are also focused on delivering a net positive impact on the social community, environment and emissions in the areas of operation, whilst delivering sustainable economic returns to shareholders.

3-D model of H2P’s Canadian oilfields

The graphic shows Devonian age reef buildups in the Upper Keg river Formation. These reefal mounds are the principal oil reservoir targets in the Rainbow Lake South area of North West Alberta.


H2P operates in Canada, Brazil, Turkey and Bahrain, and offshore globally through a joint venture with Seapulse, with operations focusing on oil & gas field ownership and oil & gas well performance improvement and completion/safety well work.

H2P controls a portfolio of 147 million barrels of low cost producing resources and 1.3 billion barrels of low cost exploration resources.

Visit H2P website